My visual database manual
My visual database manual

Unity stores these dynamic dependencies of an asset in an Asset Import Context. See Texture Compression, Animation Compression, Audio Compression, Build Compression. Examples of this are the target platform, the Project’s color space, the graphics API, the scripting runtime version, or the Texture compression A method of storing data that reduces the amount of storage space it requires. The importer might also use a global state conditionally based on the content of the source asset, in which case it also becomes a dynamic dependency. More info See in Glossary might depend on other Prefabs. The prefab acts as a template from which you can create new object instances in the scene. More info See in Glossary might reference another Shader, and a Prefab An asset type that allows you to store a GameObject complete with components and properties. For example, a Shader A program that runs on the GPU. This is because these dependencies are defined by the content of the source asset. Unity typically discovers the dynamic dependencies of an asset during the import process. The currently selected build target platform.ID of the importer associated with the Asset.If a static dependency of an Asset changes, Unity re-imports that Asset. Static dependencies are known before the Asset is imported, and are not affected by the behavior of the importer during the import process. Static dependenciesĪ static dependency is a value, setting or property that an importer depends on. If any dependency See in Glossary of an Asset changes, Unity triggers a reimport of that Asset. The Asset Database keeps track of two types of Asset dependencies: static dependencies and dynamic dependencies. It then updates the Asset Database with the GUIDs for those files, and removes the entries for the files that it detected as deleted. Once Unity gathers the file list, it then gets the file hashes for the files which have either been added or modified. It gathers any changes into a list to process in the next step. When Unity looks for changes on disk, it scans the Assets and Packages folders in your Project to check if any files have been added, modified, or deleted since the last scan. When an importer creates a file in the middle of an import (for example, FBX models can restart a Refresh by extracting their Textures from the model).If the timestamp of the file being imported changes while it is being imported, the file is queued for re-import.Any AssetDatabase API that queues an additional Refresh, such as MoveAsset, CreateAsset and ImportAsset.If, in OnPostProcessAllAssets, you call any of the following:.If, after the import, a file that the importer used has changed on disk.Unity restarts the Asset Database refresh loop under the following conditions: These steps happen inside a loop, and some steps might cause the refresh process to restart (for example, if importing an Asset creates other Assets which Unity also needs to import). This section describes this process in more detail. Unity performs the steps described in the previous section during the Asset Database refresh. The Asset Database detailed refresh process It then imports non-code-related Assets and post-processes all the remaining imported Assets.It post-processes all of the Assets for the imported code-related files.It then reloads the domain, if Refresh was not invoked from a script.It imports and compiles code-related files such as.It looks for changes to the Asset files, and then updates the source Asset Database.Unity performs the following steps during an Asset Database refresh: For example CreateAsset() and ImportAsset(). Some other AssetDatabase APIs trigger a Refresh() but only for the Assets you specify. When you call AssetDatabase.Refresh from C#.When you select Assets > Refresh from the menu.When the Unity Editor regains focus (if you have enabled Auto-Refresh in the Preferences window).If you have no previous experience with Visual Studio or C# I recommend that you make use of some short video tutorials on YouTube to get you started.Unity refreshes the Asset Database in the following situations: The installation process will require a working system with enough memory to store the applications to be installed as well as a running Internet connection. Once downloaded a quick setup will be required, after which the database processes. The main language I will use for my tutorial is SQL and it will be run on an application called Oracle SQLDeveloper. This set of instructions will particularly useful to users with a reasonable amount of CS experience who have dealt with similar programs. As with most technological advances databases can be hard to handle, so these instructions will be a step-by-step walkthrough on simple database. Databases are a complex and intricate way to store and alter data. The way we access and treat information has developed and evolved and as such databases have become more important.

My visual database manual